MBA Exam

How many integer pairs of (x,y) satisfy the equation x+y=x^y ?

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

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MBA Other Question

ajay,bharat, chandan and deepak are four friends.ajay purchase a cycle for rupees 1000.he sells it to bharat for a certain gain percentage.bharat in turn sells it for rupees 1500 to chandan who in turn sells it to deepak.the gain percentages of ajay, bharatand chauhan are in the arithmetic progression.had bharat sold the bicycle to deepak directly for the same rate for which chandan sold the cycle,then he would have made a profit of 62 1/2%.Q1. what profit did bharat make on selling the cycle to chandan?a. 450b. 250c. 200d. 300Q2. what profit did chandan make on selling the cycle to deepak?a. 300b. 450c. 200d. 650pl. provide sol. for both........

One day each member of Ram’s family consumed some milk and some water. Though
the quantities of milk and water varied for the family members, the total
consumption of the two liquids was exactly 7 litres for each family member. If
Ram had one-fourth of the total milk consumed and one-sixth of the total water
consumed, then what was the ratio of the quantity of milk to that of water
consumed by Ram on that day?

1) 3 : 2
2) 1 : 1
3) 2 : 3
4) Cannot be determined