ubq technologies Company Logical Reasoning Logical Sequences

there are four men A,B,C and D all are standing on steps in such a manner that each person can see the person standing in front of them,But c cannot D because there is a wall between C and D. now each of them are wearing a hat,color of the hat can either be black or blue...and all of them know that there can be totally 4 hats and there are equal number of white and black hats..

assume the following

1) A is wearing black,B is wearing white,C is wearing Black and D is wearing black...
2) each one of them are genius
3)they are not allowed to turn back
4)they are not allowed to talk to each other

the question
if they are all asked to shout the color of there hats who will be the first one to shout the color of his hat???
whats the logic you are using??

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