mu sigma Company Numerical Ability Algebra

Set x1 to 1;
Set x2 to 1;
While(x1 < 10)
Set x2 = x2 + x1 + 1;
Set x1 = x1 + 1;
write x2
(a) Arithmetic progression
(b) Tribonacci series
(c) Fibonacci series
(d) Triangular numbers

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mu sigma Other Question

A computer typist types 30 keystrokes in 60 seconds.He pauses for 5 seconds after every 200 strokes.How much time will he take to type from 0 to 1020 and A to Z? Below is a pseudo code Read x
While(x < 60)
write x
x = x*3
The last number in the sequence is 54, what has the user entered as the initial value of x