Self Maths Puzzle Logical Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning

Each day a lady gets the lift from the 12th floor to the ground level so she can go to work. When she comes home however she only goes up the lift to level 8. Why is this and it is not to keep fit?

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Self Other Question

one cat and one rat is present in surrounding one day cat want to eat the rat in that time rat entered into the one bone .the rat will go like this

1 2 3 4 5 [this r some positions]
9 8 7 6
10 11 12 13
17 16 15 14
18 19 20 21...........
............................................ like that finally the cat catch the rat at 500 position.then find the 500 position is under comes which place ?

e)2 & 4
f)a,b,c & d
g)a & c
Can you write 5 using only zeros?? If possible then , provide the Solution.