General Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability

what is tens digit in 7^1200

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General Other Question

There are 2 women A and B .Each of them have 30 marbles. Woman A sells 2 marbles for 1 paise and woman B sells 3 marbles for 1 paise. At the end of the day woman A has 15 paise and woman B has 10 paise. So overall sell was of 25 paise. The next day both gave their share of 30-30 marbles to a person C and went out for a holiday. C instead of selling them at the respective rates opted another method.
In case of woman A , 2 marbles=1 paisa
In case of woman B, 3 marbles=1paisa
i.e. (2+3) marbles=2 paise
i.e. 1 paisa=2.5 marbles.
So C sold marbles@2.5 per paisa.
At the end of the day, C was left with only 24 paise rather than a total amount of 25 paise which he has to return to woman A and B. Where did 1 paisa go?
What is next no.?