TCS Company Numerical Ability Age Problem

A spherical solid ball of radius 58 mm is to be divided into eight equal parts by cutting it four times longitudinally along the same axis.Find the surface area of each of the final pieces thus obtained( in mm^2) ? (where pi= 22/7)
(a) 3365pi (b) 5046pi (c)1682pi (d) 3346pi

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TCS Other Question

Grandpa's Candy Distribution

Rahul is considered to be the luckiest kid around, by his classmates - his grandpa has a candy factory! And the factory produces a thousand different flavours of candies!

Rahul's birthday is around the corner and the entire school is excited to receive the candies. Rahul approaches his grandpa and asks for candies to be distributed on his birthday.

His grandpa tasks him with a problem - he says that he will give him as many candies as he wants (N) of all distinct flavours for as many students in his school (K) if he can tell him the sum of the following:

The number of ways there are to choose K/2 candies out of N/2 disregarding the order of selection, and
The number of ways there are to choose K/2 candies out of N/2 taking into account the order of selection.

Give the answer, modulo 1000000007. Assume integer division while halving N and K.

Input Format:

First line contains a positive integer T determining the number of test cases
Next T lines contain two positive integers each, viz. N and K separated by white space.

Output Format:

For each test case, print a single integer per line denoting the sum of total number of ways to distribute N candies among K students as per grandpa's method, modulo 1000000007


1 <=T <= 1,000,000

2 <=N <=2000

2 <=K <=1000
You are the project leader for a team and plan to take your team out for a movie. Using the following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70 words and a maximum of 100 words to your team members informing the same.

at your residence , decided based on the poll result , on Friday , team building activity , forum mall , dinner at Hotel Chevron , will drop , answer the poll immediately , confirm your participation , company cab