TCS Company Logical Reasoning Direction Sense

Three sisters are identical triplets. The oldest by is Aasha, and she always tells anyone the truth. The next oldest is Usha, and Usha always will tell anyone a lie. Eesha is the youngest of the three. She sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth.
Mukund an old friend of the family, visited them one day and was able to recognize who was who, so he asked each of them one question.
Mukund asked the sister that was sitting on the left. “Which sister is in the middle of you three ?” and the answer he received was, “Oh,that’s Aasha.”
Mukund then asked the sister in the middle. “What is your name?” The response given was, “I’m Eesha.”
Mukund turned to the sister on the right,then asked. “Who is that in the middle ?” The sister then replied, “She is Usha.”
This confused Mukund.
Who was in the middle ?
(a) Aasha (b) Eesha (c) Usha (d) Cannot be determined from the given information

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TCS Other Question

A suduku grid contains digits in such a manner that every row, every column and every 3*3 box accommodates the digits 1 to 9 , without repetition.In the following suduku grid ,find the values at the cells denoted by x and y and determine the value of (6x+15y)
Y 2 9 5



7 5 2




8 9
4 2

5 3

(a) 87 (b) 75 (c) 66 (d) 99
Seven movie addicts- Guna, Isha,Leela,Madhu,Rinku, Viji and Yamini attend a film festival.Three films are shown, one directed by Rajkumar Hirani ,one by S.Shankar,and one by Mani Ratnam. Each of the film buffs sees only one of the three films. The films are shown only once, one film at a time. The following restrictions must apply :
- Exactly twice as many of the film buffs sees the S.shankar film as see the Rajkumar Hirani film.
- Guna and Rinku do not see the same film as each other.
- Isha and Madhu do not see same film as each other.
- Viji and Yamini see the same film as each other.
- Leela sees the S.Shankar film.
- Guna sees either the Rajkumar Hirani film or the Mani Ratnam film.
Which one of the following could be an accurate matching of the film buffs to films ?
(A) Guna: the S.Shankar film; Isha: the Mani Ratnam film; Madhu: the S.Shankar film
(B) Guna: the Mani Ratnam film; Isha: the Rajkumar Hirani film; Viji: the Rajkumar Hirani film
(C) Isha : the S.Shankar film; Rinku: the Mani Ratnam film; Viji: the Rajkumar Hirani film
(D) Madhu: the Mani Ratnam film; Rinku: the Mani Ratnam film; Viji: the Mani Ratnam film
(a) A (b) C (c) D (d) B