MBA Exam

We are given a triangle(could be of any type).we have to find out the area of maximum size square/rectangle that can be made into this triangle. I want a general method to solve these types of question plz help me ... assume sides of triangle are a,b,c and the sides of rectangle are x,y (or x in case of square).or u can tell for each specific case like Equilateral,isosceles,etc...

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MBA Other Question

A wholesaler of lollipop offers 1 lollipop free for every 15 lolipops purchased by the retailer.In addition,there is discount of 10% on the marked price of the lolipops.The retailer buys so as to get the maximum profit.What is his profit percentage,if he sells everything at the marked price?A-10%B-15%C-50/3 %D-NONE[EG1]

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
3. Pawan and Qureshi working together can do a piece of work in 10 days whereas Qureshi and Rohitworking together can do the same work in 12 days. All three work together to do a job for which theyare paid Rs. 300. If Qureshi’s share is Rs. 140, then what is Pawan’s share?

1) 100
2) 80
3) 60
4) Cannot Be determined