Accenture Company Numerical Ability Arithmetic

find the numbers between 100 to 400 which is divisible by either 2,3,5,7

Read Solution (Total 2)

Accenture Other Question

Read the information given below and answer the following, questions.
An electronic device when fed with words, rearranges them in a particular order following certain rules. The following is a step-by-step process of rearrangement for the given input of words.
INPUT: As when tiger entered the village as men and animals were fled away.
Step I : and As when tiger entered the village as men animals were fled away.
Step II : and animals As when tiger entered the village as men were fled away.
Step III : and animals as As when tiger entered the village men were fled away..
Step IV : and animals as As away when tiger entered the village men were fled.
Step V : and animals as As away entered when tiger the village men were fled.
Step VI : and animals as As away fled when tiger the village men were.
Step VII : and animals as As away entered fled men when tiger the village were.
Step VIII : and animals as As away entered fled men the when tiger village were.
Step IX : and animals as As away entered fled men the tiger when village were.
Step X : and animals as As away entered fled men the tiger village when were.
Step XI : and animals as As away entered fled men the tiger village were when.
For INPUT: "Every man wants to see a beautiful thing" which of the following step will be, "a beautiful every man see thing to wants?
(1) IV (2) III (3) V (4) VII
ind the numbers between 100 to 400 which is divisible by either 2,3,5,7...