TCS Company Numerical Ability Averages

10 years ago, the average age of 10 people was 33 years. After 3 years, a person of age 40 died. After another 3 years, another person of age 40 died. After another 3 years, another person of age 30 dies. Find the present average age.

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TCS Other Question

There are 30 cans and out of them only one is poisoned. If a person tastes very little he will die within 14 hours so if there are mice to test and 24 hours, how many mice are required to find the poisoned can?plz solve it asap
Read more at http://www.m4maths.com/suggestion.php#Fc5Y6JuIJuOJTRUA.99
Three generous friends, each with some money, redistribute the money as follows: Sandra gives enough money to David and Mary to double the amount of money each has. David then gives enough to Sandra and Mary to double their amounts. Finally, Mary gives enough to Sandra and David to double their amounts. If Mary had 11 rupees at the beginning and 17 rupees at the end, what is the total amount that all three friends have?