Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

A , B and C are standing on a circular track of 4300m such that A and C are diametrically opposite and B is in between A and C .There clockwise order are ABC , B and C runs clockwise while A runs anti-clockwise .If the speed of A B and C are 5m/s , 8m/s and 10m/s respectively . They all start running at 10:00 AM. calculate the distance covered by B when A and C meet for the first time after 10:05AM .
I dont remember the options , anyway options cant actually help in such type of questios!!

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Elitmus Other Question

How many numbers are there from 1 to 80 (including 1 and 80 ) such that there reciprocal is non terminating . Eg 1/3 (.3333....is non terminating , similarly 1/11 is non terminating .
(6)6.5 × (36)4.5 ÷ (216)4.5 = (6)?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6