MBA Exam

An unlimited number of coupons bearing the letters A, B, C are available. What is the possible number of way to choose 3 of these coupons such that they cannot be used to spell BAC?Puys please post the solution and Tag me in it.

1) 6
2) 21
3) 27
4) 26

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MBA Other Question

how many perfect squares are the divisors of the product 1!.2!.3!...8!?please provide the solution

1) 120
2) 240
3) 360
4) 720
The Bisector of Angle A of Triangle ABC cuts BC at D and the circumcircle of the triangle at E then ?

1) AB:AC = BD :DC
2) AD:AC = AE :AB
3) AB :AD = AC :AE
4) AB :AD = AE :AC