Tech Mahindra Interview Verbal Ability Antonyms

Hey John! Wait a minute. I ________ a word with you.
a) Will have b) Have c)Would have d) All of the above e) None of the above
2 It was hot in the room, so I ________ the window
a) Opened b) Opens c) Is Opening d) Open e) None of the above
3 I ________ cereals for breakfast.
a) Has b) Have c) Will Have d) Had e) Having
4 They ________ already ________ their rucksacks
a) Has, Pack b) Had, Packed c) Has, Packed d) Had, Pack e) Has, Pack
5 I ________ at the pet shop.
a) Were b) Is c) Was d) Are e) None of the above
6 You were ________ to finish this task on time
a) Expect b) Expected c) Expecting d) Is Expected e) None of the above
7 Sarah and I ________ the car for Mr. Jones last night
a) Cleaned b) Cleans c) Cleaning d) Have cleaned e) None of the above
8 Norah ________ in the rain.
a) Play b) Plays c) Played d)Will play e) None of the above
9 Ram ________ watching movies.
a) Like b) Likes c) Liked d) Has liked e) None of the above
10 I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you ________ at home.
a) Was b) Was Not c) Were not d) Is not e) None of the above
11 My friends ________ smoking
a) had given b) given up c) gave d) have given up e) none of the above

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Tech Mahindra Other Question

Train A traveling at 60 km/hr leaves Mumbai for Delhi at 6 P.M. Train B traveling at 90 km/hr also
leaves Mumbai for Delhi at 9 P.M. Train C leaves Delhi for Mumbai at 9 P.M. If all three trains meet at
the same time between Mumbai and Delhi, what is the speed of Train C if the distance between Delhi
and Mumbai is 1260 kms?
The number of errors_______small
a) Is b) are c) are’s d) where e) None of the above
2 The Mayor and Governor___________that the bill will soon become a law
a)hopes b)hope c)hopee d)hop e)None of the above
3 The parents and the child often _______Disney movies
a) watch b)watches c)watching d)watched e) None of the above
4 The staff _______in a disagreement about the findings
a) are b) is c) are’s d) where e) None of the above
5 Ten dollars________a high price to pay
a) Is b) are c) ares d) where e) None of the above
6 My aunt or my uncle …... by train today.
a)is arriving b)Are Arriving c)Arriving d)Arrives are e) None of the above
7 At the end of the story, they ….. living happily ever after.
a)Was b)Were c)Went d)Will e)None of the above
8 It is not the faculty members but the president who …... this issue.
a) Decide b) Deciding c) Decides d) Are e) None of the above