MBA Exam

Let m = 12/1 + 22/3 + 32/5 + ... + 5002/999, and n = 12/3 + 22/5 + 32/7 + ... + 5002/1001, then the integer closest to m - n is

1) 250
2) 500
3) 1000
4) 1500

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MBA Other Question

What will be coefficient of w ^ 22 in this equation.(w - a)*(w-b)*(w-c)...*(w-z).

1) a*b + a*c + ... + a*z
2) b*a + b*c + b*d + ... + b*z
3) a*b*c*d + e*f*g*h + ...
4) a*b*c*d*e + f*g*h*i*j + ...
there are 5 different boxes and 7 different balls.all the 7 balls are to be distributed in 5 boxes placed in a row so that any box can recieve any number of balls a.)if balls are identical how many ways can all the balls be distributed in boxes b.)suppose all boxes and balls are identical ,then in how many ways these balls can be distributedpls explain ur answers

1) 110,12
2) 330,13
3) 220,19
4) 440,16