written test Exam General Ability

two people started simultaneously from points A and B towards each other.at the moment the person who started from A had covered two -third of the way,the other person had covered 2 km less than half the total distance,if it is known that when the person who started from B had coverd 1/4 of the way,the other person was 3 km short of the mid point, find the distance b/w A&B.the speed of the two people were constan

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written test Other Question

i am eight time as old as you were when i was as old as you are and sum of present as of son as father is 75. find their present age 1 rupee, 50 paisa and 25 paisa coins are there in the ratio of 2.5 : 3 : 4. For Rs 210, find the

number of 1 rupee coins.