Co cubes Exam Verbal Ability

I will repair this machine today with the help of Kiran.
A This machine will repaired by Kiran today with the help of me.
B I will be repaired by the machine today with the help of Kiran.
C This machine will be repaired by me today with the help of Kiran.
D This machine had been repaired by me today with the help of Kiran.

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Co cubes Other Question

"A" is running with a velocity of 13 kmph in the direction of the river along the river bank. A boat which is at a distance of 12 km from "A" crossed him in 40 minutes by rowing against the flow of the river. If the river is flowing with a velocity of 1.5 kmph, then what is the velocity of the boat?
A 6.5 kmph
B 5 kmph
C 4.5 kmph
D 4 kmph