TCS Company Numerical Ability Geometry

A building with height D shadow up to G. What is the height of a neighboring building with a shadow of C feet?

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TCS Other Question

16. If 10 parallel lines in a plane is intersected by a family of another 8 parallel lines, how many parallelograms are there in the network thus formed?
a) 80
b) 63
c) 120
d) 1260
A shopkeeper is preparing a single shipment of candies to be packed in boxes S and N. In each box the shopkeeper will pack three of seven packages of candy: fudge, marsh mellow, chewing gum, peppermints, lollypops, sourballs and toffee. The boxes must be packed according to the following directions: The fudge must be included in the shipment and they must be packed in box S. The marsh mellow must be included in the shipment and they must be packed in box N. The sourballs can neither be packed in the same box as the marsh mellow nor in the same box as the peppermints. The chewing gum and the toffee must be included in the shipment and must be packed together in one box. If toffee is packed in box S, which of the following pairs of candy packages can be packed in box N?