MBA Exam

x^2 - |5x - 3| - x < 2Solve for x. Please tell a general way of solving these modulus quadratic inequalities. Thank You

1) x > 3 + 2 root 2
2) -5 < x < 3 + 2 root 2
3) x > -5
4) x < 3 + 2 root 2
5) none

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MBA Other Question

how many natural number of the type 'aabb' are perfect square?

1) none
2) 1
3) 2
4) 3
5) more than 3
How many solutions are possible for abcd = 5^12 , where a,b,c,d are natural numbers ??

1) 123
2) 455
3) 344
4) 78
5) none of these