TCS Company Numerical Ability Algebra

29.the number 2^32 -1 has several divisors greater than 1 and less than 100.the sum of these divisors is clue:2^2n+1 is a prime for n=1,2,3,4 a)172 b)125 c)91 d)176

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TCS Other Question

How many words of 11letters could be Formed with all the vowels present only in the even places ,and the consonants only in the odd places,using letters of english alphabet each letter may appear only once.the vowels are A E I O U and consonants are remaining letters of the alphabet .in the answers n! denotes n factorial a)21! B)26!/5! C) 21! /(5! * 5! ) d)21!* 5!/5! we know that the vertices of quadrilateral A,B,C,D are 2,5,6,3 cms respectively from a point p
what is the largest possible area in sq.cms of ABCD
a)16 b)48 c)32 d)24