MBA Exam

Which of the following are factors of 3^259 + 2^296?(i) 16(ii) 349(iii) 2443

1) iii
2) ii & iii
3) i & iii
4) all

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MBA Other Question

Find the remainder when 126*128*....*188 is divided by 29!

1) 2
2) 1
3) 0
4) 2^31
The first, second and third class fares are in the ratio 12 : 7 : 5 between two stations. The passengers travelling in a day are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5 respectively in the above classes. If the sale of tickets generated a revenue of Rs.33600 that day and if 120 passengers travelled by second class, what was the fare for a first class ticket.

1) 132
2) 144
3) 156
4) None of these