Capgemini Company Numerical Ability Simple & Compound Interest

A sum of Rs 468.75 was lent out at simple interest and at the end of 1 year and 8 months, the total amount of Rs 500 is received. find the rate of interest.

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Capgemini Other Question

(x + 1/x) = 6 the value of ( x5 + 1/x5 ) = ? Anirudh, Harish and Sahil invested a total of Rs.1,35,000 in the ratio 5:6:4 Anirudh invested has capital for 8 months. Harish invested for 6 months and Sahil invested for 4 months. If they earn a profit of Rs.75,900,then what is the share of Sahil in the profit?
A. Rs.12,400 B. Rs.14,700 C. Rs.15,800 D. Rs.13,200