Infosys Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

profit and loss problem: I bought a book for Rs 60 , I sold off to a friend for Rs 70 but after a while i felt sorry , that i sold it and bought it back for Rs 80, how much loss did I incur?

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Infosys Other Question

no+no+too=late if e=2 value of o+l+e Shanti's school normally FINISHES AT 4 PM. her mom drives from home to pick her up, reaching the school exactly at 4 pm. one day, a half holiday is announced and the School finishes for the day at 1 pm. Rather than sitting and Waiting , Shanti decides to start walking towards home. Her mother meets her along the way and as a result they reach home an hour earlier than normal. what is the ratio of the Shanti's walking speed to her mother's driving Speed?