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i dont remember Q'S that but its like 1. in a right angle triangle circle which is inscribes with touches all sides and that sides 2h and b find radius of circle
ans-2b+h/2( which i selected)
2. in a circle two chord length x-2 and x +16 find radius .
3. probability of 1,2,3,4,5 number which appears by pyramid of 4 sides base find the possibility outcomes while throw.
DI: related to US electricity generation such as states wise distribution( division 1 and division 2) in two years span
please anybody light on these questions who were appeared on feb 7th because i dont remember what questions exactly .pleases give your answers
Read Solution (Total 3)
- Was there any option of h/ (1+sqrt(2)) of question 1st.
- 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
- ashish siggh : i think no.
- 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
- 2) radius of circle
- 8 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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