TCS Company Numerical Ability Arithmetic

Three disinct single-digit numbers A,B and C are in geomentric progrossion .If abs(x) for real x is the absolute value of x(x if x is positive or zero and -x if x is negative ).then the number of different possible values of abs(A+B-C) is

a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 4

Read Solution (Total 4)

TCS Other Question

the price of a commudiaty (in rupees per kilogram)is 100+0.1*n. On the nth day of 207(n=1,2,....100).and then remains constant. on the other hand,the price of the another commudiaty (in rupees per kilogram)is 89+0.15*n.on the nth day of 2007 (n=12,...365).on which date in 2007 .will the prices of these two
commoditives be equal

a)April 11 b) may 20 c) may 21 d) April 10
I didnt received the hall ticket for TCS 2ND MARCH 2016. pLZ suggest what to do?