Tech Mahindra Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

A can run 4 times as fast as B and gives B a start of 60 m. How long should the race course be so that A and B might reach in the same time?

a) 70 m
b) 60 m
c) 80 m
d) 65 m

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Tech Mahindra Other Question

The average age of Indira and Meena is 28 years. If Kala's age is added to it, then the average of the ages of the three becomes 27 years, what is kala's age?

a) 26 years
b) 22 years
c) 28 years
d) 20 years
A sum of Rs.1460 is divided into 13 students so that each boy gets Rs.120 while each girl gets Rs.100. Find the number of boys and number of girls

a) 8B, 5G
b) 5B, 8G
c) 4B, 9G
d) 9B, 4G