Tech Mahindra Company Numerical Ability Ratio and Proportion

If a profit of Rs.1200 is to be divided among three partners A,B and C in the ratio 5:3:4 then share of B is

a) Rs.2000
b) Rs.4000
c) Rs.3000
d) Rs.5000

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Tech Mahindra Other Question

The amount of principal Rs.8000 at compound interest at the ratio of 5% p.a. for 3 years is

a) Rs.9621
b) Rs.6921
c) Rs.9261
d) Rs.6261
A and B together invested Rs. 15,000 in a business. At the end of the year, out of total profit is Rs. 2,000 B's share was Rs. 600. A's investment was

a) Rs. 4,500
b) Rs. 8,250
c) Rs. 10,500
d) Rs. 11,250