Tech Mahindra Company Numerical Ability Averages

The average age of five persons is 40 years while the average age of some other 10 persons is 25 years. The average age of all the 15 persons is:

a) 27 Years
b) 32 Years
c) 37 Years
d) 30 Years
e) 35 Years

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Tech Mahindra Other Question

A,B,C invested the capitals in a business. If A invested Rs. 10,000 more than B and C invested Rs.20,000 more than A, then how should a profit of Rs.14,000 be divided among A,B and C? Given : Capital of B is Rs.10,000

a) 2000,1000,3000
b) 1000,3000,4000
c) 3000,2000,5000
d) 4000,2000,8000
Which is the middle even number between 9 and 23?

a) 14
b) 16
c) 18
d) 20
e) 22