Tech Mahindra Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

A can run 3 Kms in 3 min 18 sec and B can run same distance in 3 min 40 sec, then by how much distance A can beat B?

a. 300 m
b. 220 m
c. 280 m
d. 195 m

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Tech Mahindra Other Question

A and B invested money together in a business and share of capital of A is 1/4th that of B. If they incurr a loss of Rs.500 then loss for B is

a. 400
b. 300
c. 200
d. 100
In what ratio must water be added to 10 litres of milk at Rs.20 per litre so that cost of mixture is Rs.16 per litre?

a. 3:2
b. 1:4
c. 2:3
d. 4:1