Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Clocks and Calendars

there are sixty markings on a clock, minutes hand was exactly on one of those markings. nine markings away from the minutes hand was hours hand. what could be the time.

A. 5:14 B.6:20 C.7:48 D.3:09

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Elitmus Other Question

trapezium is a quadrilater with at least two sides parallel to each other. four triangles are forme using its diagonals. Area of triangles adjacent to parallel sides is A and B. find area of trapezium in terms of A and B. S(n) is sum of first n natural numbers, Z(n) = 2S(n)+41, lowest value of n such that Z(n) is NOT a prime.

A.7 B.6 c. 40 d.always a prime