TCS Company HR Interview Interview

Hi guys, i have a doubt regarding the selection procedure. I have cleared my apti of 2nd march and have been called for interview on 17th March. I went through the technical+mr interview and after sometime an announcement was made for a list of people that their interview is over and they may leave, and i was one of them. Thus i did not face any HR round (2nd round after TR+MR) i.e I faced only 1 round of TR+MR which was fairly good. So is there any chance that I will/may get selected?
Please clear this doubt of mine if any1 has idea about this.

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TCS Other Question

Hey Folks.... many of uh have now appeared for the Interview round of rectnly held Tcs-off campus drive held on 2nd march..??

So, gUyss whether u r frm CS/IT
Non Cs/It, please share your interview experience, along with the expertise required..??

And few tips of Do's n Dont's in the interview

It will be great help for me, we have our interview lined up for tommorrow 19th March, so kindly fetch ur rply asap..?
Anyone got result those who are all attend the interview March-17?