MBA Exam

One man and six women
working together can do a job in 10 days. The same job is done by two men in
ā€˜pā€™ days and by eight women in p+5 days. By what percentage is the efficiency
of a man greater than that of a woman?Faster Approach anybody?

1) 300
2) 400
3) 500
4) 600

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MBA Other Question

fn ={ 2^n-1 + 1, n is odd 2^n-1 - 1,n is evenfind remainder when f1+ f2 + f3....f100 is divided by 127

1) 0
2) 91
3) 126
4) 3
You are selecting 10 nos randomely out of a first 100 odd numbers.Sum of these 10 odd numbers is A. How many diff values of A are possible ??

1) (100) C (10)
2) 1801
3) 1800
4) 901
5) 902