CTS Company Numerical Ability Arithmetic

A certain fraction is equivalent to 2/5 . If the numerator of the fraction is increased by 4 and the denominator is doubled, the new fraction is equivalent to 1/3 . What is the sum of numerator and denominator of the original fraction?

(1) 49
(2) 35
(3) 28
(4) 26
(5) 21

Read Solution (Total 3)

CTS Other Question

In a mixture of 90 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 4 : 2. How much water should be added to the mixture so that the ratio of milk and water becomes 6 : 4 ?
1) 50
2) 10
3) 40
4) 20
5) None of these
A man sells TV sets at profit of 20%. How much total amount he gains in profit?
I. He sells 20 TV set.
II. He sells each TV set at Rs 12000.

(1) If the question can be answered by using statement I alone but cannot be answered by statement II alone.
(2) If the question can be answered by using statement II alone but cannot be answered by statement I alone.
(3) If both statements I and II together are required to answer the question.
(4) If the answer can be found by using any of the two statements alone.
(5) If both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question.