Interview Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Averages

6. The average of 100 numbers is 50. It is found that while calculating the average of two numbers, namely 81 and 66 were wrongly read as 18 and 6. The correct average is

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Interview Other Question

In writing a SQL join query Which table should be on the left side,Whether a heavily weighed table or a lightly weighed table?? There are 3 cards, with first card having Blue color on both side, Red color on both side on second card and third card has one Blue color side and one Red color side. Aakash Picks a Card and find front side of card of Blue color. now what is the probability that other side of this card also blue.
Please share the logic in support of your answer too.
A. 1/2
B. 1/3
C. 2/3
D. None of them