M4maths Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability

(#M40007197) CTS LOGICAL REASONING QUESTION number problem KEEP AN EYE Keep an eye puzzle
QUESTION => Diameter of the circle 4cm. The shaded part is 1/3 of the square area. What is the side of the square

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M4maths Other Question

If m and n are whole numbers such that mn = 121, the value of (m - 1)n + 1 is:

A. 1 B. 10

C. 121 D. 1000
no of pupils in class 1 and 11 =3:5
no of pupils in class 1 and 11=7:11
if x:y,y:z=x:y:z like wise 21:35:55
a;b:c we can write as ax+bx+cx
like 21:35:55 we can write as 21x+35x+55x=333
so highest number of pupils in class=55*3=165
so ans is 165.