Tech Mahindra Company Verbal Ability Synonyms

verbal and non vebal

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Tech Mahindra Other Question

If in a certain code RANGE is coded as 12345 and RANDOM is coded as 123678, then the code for the word MANGO
would be
In each of the following series determine the order of the letters. Then from the given options select the one which will complete the given series.
1. A L W B M X C N ? a) V b) W c) Y d) X

In the following questions select the number(s) from the given options for completing the given series.
2. 1,3,7,15,31,? a) 62 b) 46 c) 63 d) 57

3. 243,5,81,15,27,45,9,? a) 5 b) 15 c) 135 d) 27

4. 3,12,24,96,192,? a) 768 b) 384 c) 702 d) 298

5. 2,11,7,16,12,?,17,26 a) 21 b) 8 c) 11 d) 76

In the questions given below one term is missing. Based on the relationship of the two given words find the missing term from the given options.
6. AXTC : TXAC :: GUMY :? a) GMUY b) MUGY c) MGUY d) YUGM

In the following questions, select the number from the given options which follows the same relationship as shared between the first two numbers.
7. 663 : 884 :: 221 :? a) 332 b) 554 c) 773 d) 442

8. 63 : 9 :: 49 :? a) 12 b) 3 c) 36 d) 7

9. 731 : 902 :: 655 :? a) 646 b) 800 c) 793 d) 556

10. 5 : 45 :: 2 :? a) 40 b) 36 c) 20 d) 18

Three of the following four in each question are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Select the group of letters that does not belong to that group.

12. a) SPQR b) MKLN c) WUVX d) FDEG

In the following questions, which of the following pair of letters is different from the other three?
13. a) LT - HF b) IN - VA c) ZE - XM d) RB - SC

14. a) VWX - OCU b) IFH - SGQ c) LAN - BDR d) EJP - ZTY

In each of the following questions, there are four options. The numbers, in these options, are alike in a certain manner. Only one number does not fit in. Choose the one which is different from the rest.
15. a) 1948 b) 2401 c) 966 d) 1449

In the following questions select the right option which indicates the correct code for the word or letter given in the question.
16. In a certain code ABCD IS written as 2468 and EFGH as 1357.How will CAGE be written in that code?
a) 6453 b) 6251 c) 6521 d) 6215

17. In a certain code LOCATE is written as 981265 and SPARK as 47230, CASKET will be coded in the same manner as : a) 124056 b) 210465 c) 164025 d) 124506
18. SCIENTIST is coded in a certain language as ICSTNETSI.AMBULANCE will be coded in the same language as : a) MBUALNCEA b) BMAALUECN c) MAUBALCNE d) UBMLAECNA

19. EXCURTION is coded as CXEURTNOI,OUTBURSTS will be coded in the same manner as :

20. If the word TRADE is coded as XVEHI,then how should the word PUBLIC be coded?

In the following questions, under-stand the arrangement pattern and then select the right answer from the given options.
21. Five personalities are living in a multistoried building.Mr.Effortless lives in a flat above Mr.Active,Mr.Charge lives in a flat below Mr.Diligent,Mr.Active lives in a flat above Mr.Diligent and Mr.Behaved lives in a flat below Mr.Charge.Who lives in the topmost flat?
a) Mr.Charge b) Mr.Diligent c) Mr.Effortless d) Mr.Behaved e) Cannot be said

22. Arrange the following words in a meaningful order :
1. Gold 2. Iron 3. Sand 4. Platinum 5. Diamond
a) 3 2 1 5 4 b) 2 4 3 5 1 c) 5 4 3 2 1 d) 4 5 1 3 2 e) 4 2 3 1 5

23. Which one is like mother, sister and niece?
a) Nephew b) Guardian c) Father d) Aunt

Find out the one word among the options which cannot be formed by using the letters of the word as given in each question.

Find out the one word among the options which can be formed by using the letters of the word as given in each question.

Instruction for Q. Nos. 26 to 30 :
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.
(i) A,B,C,D,E,F and G are sitting on a wall and all of them are facing east.
(ii) C is on the immediate right of D.
(iii) B is at an extreme end and has E as his neighbour.
(iv) G is between E and F.
(v) D is sitting third from the south end.
26. Which of the conditions (i) to (v) given above is not required to find out the place in which A is sitting?
a) (i) b) (ii) c) (iii) d) All statements are required e) None of these

27. Which of the following pairs of people are sitting at the extreme ends?
a) AE b) AB c) FB d) CB e) Cannot be determined

28 Immediately between which of the following pairs of people is D sitting?
a) CE b) AC c) CF d) AF e) None of these

29. Name the person who should change places with C such that he gets the third place from the north end? a) G b) F c) E d) Can't be determined e) None of these

30. Who is sitting to the right of E? a) F b) D c) C d) A e) None of these