TCS Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

Eesha has a wheat business.She purchases wheat from a local wholesaler of a particular cost per pound.The price of the wheat of her stores is $3 per kg.Her faulty spring balance reads 0.9 kg for a KG. Also in the festival season, she gives a 10% discount on the wheat. She found that she made neither...
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TCS Other Question

20. Two identical circles intersect so that their centres, and the points at which they intersect, form a square of side 1 cm. The area in sq. cm of the portion that is common to the twocircles is:
a. (π/2) – 1
b. 4
c. √2 – 1
d. √5
3. What is ∑K=028K2(28KC) where 28KC
is the number of ways of choosing k items from 28 items?
a. 406 * 227

b. 306 * 226

c. 28 * 227
d. 56 * 227