TCS Company Programming Program

-1,0 or 2 in box1 and -A in box 2, A,(A-1),(A+1) box3
get A(A-1)(A-1)A in box-2 and in 3 steps,Use all operations

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TCS Other Question

Five friends Alex,Bill,Cole ,dan & ed visit a few places taking different routes.All cities are visted by diff number of people.The 5 cities F,G,H,I & J are sequentically statoned.Dan takes the direct route to I and visits two places,F is visted by least no. of people.Bill visits G,but not I,& I visted by odd number of people,If dan visits J,Ed also vists J.Cole dosn't vist H.Alex vists all the places.Ed visits lesser cities then cole.what is the ROUTE followed by ED?
consider the sequence 1,-2, 3, -4, 5 what is the average of first 200 terms