Bank Exam Government Jobs Exams Category

Statement: Some chairs are tents.
Some tents are jugs.
All jugs are glasses.
All glasses are pots.
Conclusions: I. Some pots are tents.
II. Some pots are chairs.
III. Some glasses are chairs.
IV. Some glasses are tents.
a) Only I and II follow
b) Only II and III follow
c) Only I and III follow
d) Only I and IV follow
e) None of these

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Bank Exam Other Question

All glasses are rooms.
Some rooms are planes.
All planes are ducks.
Some ducks are lanterns.
Conclusions: I. Some lanterns are planes.
II. Some ducks are rooms.
III. Some rooms are glasses.
IV. Some ducks are glasses.
a) Only I and II follow
b) Only II and III follow
c) Only I, II and III follow
Below the four words are given. One of these four words may be wrongly spelt. Find out the
word which is wrongly spelt, if there is any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the
words are correctly spelt mark All correct as the answer.
a) Adventure b) Demonstration c) Environment
d) Innosent e) All Correct