Android Programming and Technical Programming Technical

Updating UI from service: How to access progress bar from a service?

1) Send progressbar id through intent extras & access it in service
2) Make progress bar as static variable, and access that variable from service.
3) If you want to touch UI from service, trigger a dynamically registered receiver in activity from service, And update UI from that dynamic receiver with in that activity
4) put all UI controls in a common class and access it from all components.

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Android Other Question

How to pass data from activity to service?
1) pass data in intent-putextras, and using setResult()
2) pass data in intent-putextras, and say startService() with that intent
3) store it in common database and access it through both activity and service.
4) can be done using both the ways 2 and 3 options.
What are the various return values of onStartCommand(), and when to use what?

1) START_STICKY - in case if android stops our service forcefully, then restart service by sending intent null
2) START_NOT_STICKY - in case if android stops our service forcefully, then don't restart, until user restarts it.
3) START_REDELIVER_INTENT- in case if android stops our service forcefully, then restart service by sending re-sending the intent.
4) all options are true