Android Programming and Technical Programming Technical

Broadcast receiver runs in which thread by default?

1) Main Thread
2) background thread
3) no thread
4) none of these

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Android Other Question

What is broadcastreceiver in android?

1) It a component of android which responds to system wide broadcast announcements.
2) It acts like a gateway between outside world and your application.
3) both are true
What is the difference between broadcast receiver and a service?

1) BroadReceiver - is like gateway for other components, can do small back ground functionality with in 10 seconds. Services - can do long running operation in the background with out having UI, and no time limit for it.
2) Service - is like gateway for other components, can do small background functionality with in 10 seconds. BroadcastReceiver - can do long running operation in the background with out having UI, and no time limit for it.
3) Option 1 is right, but both receiver and service both can interact with UI if they want to. Broadcast Receivers have time limit of 10 seconds, and they respond to broadcasted messages.
4) Option 1 is right, but a service can interact with UI if it wants. Its not mandatory that service should not have UI.