Android Programming and Technical Programming Technical

How to return layout of a fragment? Which function to implement in Fragment class for it?

1) onCreate()
2) onCreateView()
3) getView()
4) getFragmentView()

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Android Other Question

What is true about a Fragment?

1) I can use a Fragment with out an Activity
2) A fragment can have multiple activities in it.
3) An activity can contain multiple fragments in it.
4) A fragment designed in one activity can't reused in other activity
Is it possible to have fragments without UI, in android?

1) Fragment will never have any UI.
2) Fragment generally will contribute its UI by using its own layout, But it might not have UI in some cases, as it is not mandatory
3) Both option 1 & are right.
4) none of the above are true, Because fragments should always have its own layout and contribute its UI.