Sapient Company Programming

Which of the following statements is/are true about Android OS regarding Activities?
A. The Android OS uses a priority queue to assist in mananging activities running on the device.
B. The Android OS uses a circular queue to assist in managing activities running on the device.
C. An activity can go through the following states-Active/Running. Paused and Stopped.

1) A and C
2) B and C
3) only C
4) only B

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Sapient Other Question

Which of the following methods is/are called only once throughout the Android Activity Lifecycle?

1) onDestroy and onStop
2) onDestroy and onStart
3) onStart and onStop
4) onDestroy and onCreate
It is possibel that two activites are in the same process and one activity is starting the other activity.
What is the correct order of operations that occur when activity A start Activity B?

1. Activity A's onPause() method executes
2. Activity B's onCreate(), onStart() and onResume() methods execute in squence (Activity B now has user focus)
3. Then, if Activity A is no longer visible on screen, its onStop() method executes.

1) 2-->1-->3
2) 1-->2-->3
3) 1-->3-->2
4) 2-->3-->1