Sapient Company Programming

Which of the following funcations would return layout of a fragment, assuming that funcation is implemented in the fragment class?

1) onCreate()
2) onFragmentView()
3) onView()
4) onCreateView()

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Sapient Other Question

What should be the access specifiers for function Bob() in the following code snippet so that the program doesn't get compiler error?

class Base{
---1--- void Bob(){}

class Derived extends Base{
---2--- void Bob(){}

public class Main{
public static void main(String args[]){
Derived d = new Derived();

1) 1=public 2=protected
2) 1=public 2=private
3) 1=private 2=public
4) 1=private 2=protected
To create a fragment, which of the following options holds true?

1) Extend class
and create using code snippet below
public class Fragment_Name extends Fragment{

2) Extend class
and create using code snippet below:
public class Fragment_Name extends Fragment{

3) Extend class
and create using code snippet below:
public class Fragment_Name extends FragmentClass{

4) None of the given options