ibps Exam Logical Reasoning Number Series

221,67,344 ,? ,509,211

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221,67,344, ? ,509,211 a group of 8 members p,q,r,s,t,u,v and w are sitting in a row.some of them are facing south while rest of them are facing north.t sits second to the left of s and both of them are facing same direction.s and u are sitting to the immediate right of each other.p and r are facing same direction and only one person sit between them.q and t are neighbours and both of them are facing same direction.immediate neighbours of r is facing north direction.wand s are facing same direction.only one person sit between u and v and he is not facing north.only two person sit between t and u.p sits immediate to the left of u.only one person sits to the left of q.w sits at the extreme end of the row and is facing north.