MBA Exam

Four lines parallel to the base of a triangle divide each of the other sides into five equal segments and the area into five distinct parts. If the area of the largest of these parts is 27, then what is the area of the original triangle?

1) 135
2) 175
3) 75
4) 225

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MBA Other Question

Reminder 1!+2*2!+3*3!..........+12*12! / 13 ?

1) 1
2) 12
3) 11
4) 0
five years ago,a man was five times as old as his son.two year hence,the man will be 3 times as old as his son.what is the present age of man?pl. provide sol.

1) 50 years
2) 35 years
3) 42 years
4) 40 years