MBA Exam

A multiple choice question has 4 choices of which one or more may be correct A candidate gets marks in the question if and only if he marks all the the correct choices. The candidate marks the choices at random. what is the probability that he gets mark?Plz also mention your approach!!

1) 1/15
2) 1/4
3) 14/15
4) 3/4
5) 1/16

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MBA Other Question

BD is the median of triangle ABC and E is the mid point of BD. F is the mid point CE AF intersect BD at P. if area of triangle ABC = 56 sq units.what is the area of triangle PDF??solution plz??

1) 7/3
2) 3.5
3) 14/5
4) cbd
Terry Tortoise and Rabby Rabbit are best friends. Their home is 150 km apart. One day, they decided to meet. So Terry and Rabby started walking and running respectively towards each other at uniform speed at 9 am and they meet each other at 3:48 pm in the afternoon. Rabby runs at a speed 24 km/hr and stopped to take a nap after every 12 km He takes a nap for 15 minutes. Had Rabby made the journey without taking rest, they would have met 108 minutes earlier.Based on the information given below and answer the following questions.Question: Find the difference of distances covered by Rabby and Terry?

1) 60 km
2) 72.4 km
3) 68.4 km
4) 64.12 km