MBA Exam

sudhir,tushar and uday start a business with rupees 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 respectively.sudhir stays for the entire year.Tushar leaves the business after two months but rejoins after another 4 months but only with 3/4th of his initial capital.Uday leaves after 3 months and rejoins after another 5 months but with only 4/5th of his capital.if the year end profit is rupees 27,900,how much more than tushar did uday get?pl. provide sol. also.

1) 1500
2) 9300
3) 3100
4) 12,400

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MBA Other Question

Find the remainder when 432104321043210. . . . . . (upto 3000 digits) is divided by 9999.

1) 1407
2) 3333
3) 6666
4) 8592
Karan's salary before he got an increement was 30% of the total income of the family.if his increement is 1/6th of his salary,then what per. of his family's total income is his salary?pl.provide sol.