MBA Exam

On June 30, 1996, the difference between the ages of Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor was equal to the age of their son Golu. After a few years, when Mr. Kapoor turned 35, Mrs. Kapoor’s age was half the square of Golu’s age then. After another ten years, the difference between the sum of the ages of Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor and that of their son Golu was 69. If Mr. Kapoor is older than his wife, how old will Mrs. Kapoor be on June 30, 2021?

1) 48
2) 32
3) 54
4) 52

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MBA Other Question

X and Y are natural nos. and X is odd < 100.Find the no. of solutions of : 1/X = 1/18 - 3/Y

1) 4
2) 3
3) 5
4) 2
If in an A.P., a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ...... a16 = 176, then the value of a1 + a6 + a11 + a16 = ?

1) 22
2) 44
3) 88
4) 176