MBA Exam

Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is Rs.36.
The average cost of 7 apples and 8 mangoes is Rs.48. Find the total cost of 24
apples and 24 mangoes.

1) Rs.1044
2) Rs.2088
3) Rs.720
4) Rs.324

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MBA Other Question

If the discount given is equal to 25% of the s.p and the sale gives the trader a profit of 16 2/3% when calculated on his s.p,by what percent did he mark up the c.p before offering the discount?pl. provide sol.

1) 50%
2) 30%
3) 40%
4) 60%
a man can swim @ 5 km/hr in still water.He wants to cross the river 3 km wide.The river is flowing @ 12 km/hr. If man can run @ 18km/hr,then wat is the avg speed of the journey in which,he can reach a point that is exactly opposite to the point from where he started in least possible time? Please share the approach..I just hav ans no solution....

1) 12km/hr
2) 15km/hr
3) 18km/hr
4) 20km/hr