MBA Exam

an empty conical water container is placed on its base and water is poured into it through the vertex. It takes 20 minutes for the water level to rise to 40% of the height of cone.How long it takes for water level to rise to 70% of height of cone?

1) 24.8
2) 22.8
3) 35
4) 40

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MBA Other Question

If the real numbers p, q satisfy p3 - 3p2 + 5p - 17 = 0, q3 - 3q2 + 5q + 11 = 0. Then the numerical value of p+q is 3 2 3 2

1) -5
2) 2
3) 8
4) None of these
If all the six-digit numbers in which each successive digit exceeds its predecessor digit are arranged in an increasing order, then find the digit(s) which is/are not contained in the 84th number of this series.

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) All of above